Monday, May 17, 2010

Makin' Stuff Monday: Upcycled Microfiber

In an effort to be "green" a couple years ago, I bought some microfiber cloths on sale. I used them a few times, but I really hated the way they felt on my skin. It was as if they were getting caught on my skin... so I stopped using them and stashed them away.
I have a serger. I got it for my birthday, and it has been sitting in my closet waiting for me to be inspired to use it. It is kind of terrifying... with the four spools of thread, two needles, and the moving blade. I got it out of the box once, looked at it, got spooked, and promptly returned it to the box. This week I decided it was time to face my fear and tackle the serger. There are plenty of people who use the serger successfully and never lose a finger.
After some playing around, I decided it was time to complete a project... so I found those old microfiber clothes and some scraps of fabric... stitch around the outside... and wala... I can now dust without feeling like the rag is going to take of my skin!

If you don't have a serger... but have the same icky feeling with microfiber, you can easily add a backing to your cloths as well... just use the same technique as I used to make baby blankets HERE.
These would make such great gifts... housewarming anyone?!?

And with the serger... even the scraps look pretty!



Kelli said...

I'm super impressed that you know how to use a serger! Someday I'll have to learn how to do that... Anyway, I agree that microfiber feels weird, so that's a great idea!

Lisa Chaffee said...

What brand do you have? Do you like it? I'd really like to get one but I'm not sure where to begin!